NARFE's Automatic Dues Withholding Program
Anyone receiving a monthly annuity from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is eligible for membership in NARFE, and our automatic dues withholding program.
Dues withholding allows members to safely and efficiently deduct their annual NARFE membership dues from their pension each month -- a savings of 15% ($40 to $34).

The Fine Print: Active federal and postal employees, NARFE Life Members, and NARFE Honorary members are not eligible for our Dues Withholding program. Dues withholding cannot be done by phone or online. Be sure to read the application for full details.
The best time for a current NARFE member to apply for dues withholding is upon receipt of their annual dues renewal notice from NARFE. That's your window of opportunity to renew your membership by paying your annual dues or by enrolling in automatic dues withholding.
Here's what you need to know about dues withholding:
Read and complete the DW-2 application form and then send it to NARFE Membership, 606 N Washington St., Alexandria VA 22314-1914.
If you choose to enroll in dues withholding, then you should ignore all annual renewal notices you may receive or have received from NARFE.
Send No Money with your application. Your application may take anywhere from 60 to 90 days to process through OPM.
Be sure to include your Social Security number, your OPM Civil Service Annuity (CSA) number and your NARFE membership ID number on your application.
Be sure to read, sign and date your application. Follow mailing instructions on the form. By the way, NARFE will accept completed and scanned applications (.pdf file format) which are attached to an email addressed to

For all Dues Withholding Applications you will need the following:
Your Social Security Number and your
OPM Civil Service Annuity Number (CSA or CSF #)
Not currently a member of NARFE?
Are you receiving a monthly annuity from OPM?
The Fine Print: Active federal and postal employees, NARFE Life Members, and NARFE Honorary members are not eligible for our Dues Withholding program. Dues withholding cannot be done by phone or online.
How does it work? One-twelfth of your total annual dues are automatically deducted from your monthly annuity. Read the dues withholding application carefully for full details and follow all mailing instructions.
Send no money with your application.